Tice Tips

Minecraft Server set up guide

Here is a guide on how to set up a Minecraft Server on your PC! This guide will show you all the steps (with screenshots!) to help you on your way to playing with your friends.

Step 1: Prerequisites

To start hosting your server, you’ll need to make sure that your computer can handle running the server. We need to look at a couple of things:

  • Make sure you are running Windows 10
  • Make sure that you have at least 4GB of RAM free to run the server (if you have the server and the game on the same computer, you’ll need 8GB of RAM to make sure that everything runs smoothly)
  • (Preferably) A wired internet connection. Wifi can get unstable and can cause issues with people connecting to your server. 
  • The latest Java installed (from this site
  • A Static IP address on your computer (Not sure how to do this? check out this guide!)

Step 2: Getting the correct files

To start with setting up your Minecraft server, you’ll need some extra files.

The latest “minecraft_server.X.XX.XX.jar” file can be found using this link. If you want to host a different version than the latest one, you can find other versions on mcversions.net.

  • Once you’ve downloaded the file, place it on your desktop.
  • Create a folder called: “Minecraft Server.”

Your desktop should look like this:

A Picture of desktop folders containing the Jar file and the folder called Minecraft Server

Now drag and drop the “minecraft_server.X.XX.XX.jar” file into the Minecraft server folder.

Step 3: Running the Minecraft Server

Double-Click the Jar file and it should start generating the following files:

A Picture of the folder structure inside the Minecraft Server Folder

After this, the program will stop. This is intended. You’ll need to make changes to the eula.txt to accept the EULA before you can run the server.

Once you open the eula.txt with notepad, you should see something like this:

#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula).

You’ll need to change the “eula=false” to “eula=true” after you’ve read the Minecraft EULA. No one does this, so I won’t tell if you didn’t 😉

The result should look like this:

#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula).

After you’ve changed the EULA, you can go ahead and Double-click the Jar file once again.
You’ll now see two windows appear:

A Picture of a Windows Defender Firewall PopUp

In this case, you can allow access to the Java(TM) Platform SE binary. This is the Minecraft Servers you’ve just created!
The other window that pops up is the following:

A Picture of the Minecraft Server interface

This is the server interface. From here, you can see how many resources the server uses, the players connected, logs, and a console to run commands.
For now, you can run the command: “Stop” to gracefully shut the server down, as we need to make some more changes to the files that we just created.

Step 4: Configuring your Minecraft Server

The folder should now look something like this:

A Picture of the folder structure inside the Minecraft Server Folder after the initial setup

The file we want to change is server.properties. You can open the server.properties with notepad. Don’t be afraid to break anything. You can always copy the following block of text to reset every value to default:

Step 4.1: Minecraft Server Properties

Now there are a couple of things we want to edit to make sure that everything is as you want it to be. We want to look at the following options:

  • gamemode: setting will allow you to set if you would like to play survival or creative. Specify what you would like by typing after the “=”.
  • spawn-protection: specifies the radius of blocks in the server spawn that cannot be broken by non-server operators. You can change this to 0 if you would like them to be broken.
  • allow-nether: specifies if you would like the Nether on your server. “true” means that you want a nether, “false” will disable the nether.
  • difficulty: can set the difficulty of the server. This can be either peaceful, easy, normal, or hard.
  • PVP: setting specifies if you would like players the ability to hurt each other. “true” means that you will be able to hurt each other, “false” will disable PVP.
  • max-players: specifies the maximum number of people who can join your server.
  • level-seed: allows you to insert a seed for a world to generate from if you have one.
  • motd: sets the message in the Minecraft server browser that other players will see once they have added your IP to their list.

Step 4.2: Starting and connecting to the server

Please save the file and double-click your jar file to start up the server once again.

Now start up Minecraft to see if you can find your server using the following server info:

A Picture of entering the server info in Minecraft

If everything went well, you’ll now be able to see your server in the list:

A Picture of the Minecraft Server List

Step 5: Allowing your friends to join your Minecraft Server

This will be the hard part, now you’ll be able to connect to your Minecraft server by yourself, but that isn’t why you want to start your server! You want to play with some friends!

First, you’ll need to know what the IP addresses of your computer and router are. This can be done by pressing Windows + R and typing CMD. This should open a black window.
Please type “ipconfig” and press enter. You’ll see some information about the network settings:

A Picture of a Commandprompt which just executed the ipconfig command

You’ll want to make a note of the “Default Gateway” address. In my case, this is

You’ll need to enter this address in your browser and log in to your router. Visit this site to find your specific model and were to find the Port Forward settings.

Once you’ve navigated to the Port Forwarding rules, please enter the following information:

  • Local IP: The IP of the computer you are currently working on. You can find this using the ipconfig output from before, the address after “IPv4 Address”.
  • Port Range: 25565 – 25565
  • Type: Both

And click save!

Now your friend should be able to join your server using your public IP Address, which you can find on www.whatismyip.com!

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By Thijs van Loef
Posted on: 24/08/2021

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